Ad-hoc Advice
Ad-hoc Advice

We can provide ad-hoc tax consultation services. Tax consultation is provided by a licensed Japanese tax accountant who served as the tax manager of a financial service division in a Big 4 tax firm and has engaged in tax consulting for inbound and outbound investment, as partially summarized below. You do not need a continuous engagement with us and can use our advice as a second opinion. We are happy to provide our ad-hoc services to tax accountants worldwide who need Japanese tax analysis. We aim to provide clear, reasonable advice on your Japanese tax issues through careful fact-finding and detailed analysis.

Examples of Ad-hoc Japanese Tax Advice
・Setting up Japanese entities (branch vs subsidiary)
・Application of Japanese thin capitalization rules for interest payments to offshore related entities
・Corporate taxation of Japanese branches and documentation requirements under the Authorized OECD Approach (AOA rules)
・Application of tax treaties between Japan and jurisdictions where investors reside
・Investment in Japanese property (direct vs indirect)
・Investment in Japanese trusts, partnerships, or silent partnerships (known as “Tokumei Kumiai”)
・Japanese taxation of financial products including Japanese government bonds, listed/unlisted stocks, derivatives, investment trusts, or J-REITs
・Reverse charges under the Japanese consumption tax regime, etc.
We can offer a free initial consultation (about half or one hour) via Zoom or others.
After the free initial consultation, our fees are on a time-charged basis at an hourly rate of JPY 23,000 (JPY 25,300, including consumption tax).
However, before starting our work, we can estimate the fee.

If you have an interest in our service, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you.